Expanded Powers

You may feel more secure now than you did ten ...


Lisa Lieberman

Lisa Lieberman’s writings on postwar Europe have appeared in a variety of media. She is the author of Leaving You: The Cultural Meaning of Suicide, which addresses the suicides of notable Holocaust survivors including Primo Levi, Bruno Bettelheim, and Jean Améry. Trained as a modern European cultural and intellectual historian, she studied at the University of Pennsylvania and Yale University and taught for many years at Dickinson College. She has held visiting fellowships at Ohio State and the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. She now directs a nonprofit foundation dedicated to redressing racial and economic inequity in public elementary and secondary schools. She is a columnist at Three Quarks Daily and blogs about old movies at Deathless Prose. Email: deathlessprose1 [at] gmail.com

Read An Eye for an Eye by Simone de Beauvoir, Translated from the French with an introduction Lisa Lieberman