The Battle of Britain

History’s version of the Battle of Britain, a key moment ...


Robert Shogan

Robert Shogan (1930-2013) was the author of Harry Truman and the Struggle for Racial Justice (University Press of Kansas, 2013), for more than thirty years covered politics from Washington for Newsweek and for the Los Angeles Times as national political correspondent. He has written fifteen books on national and political affairs, including Prelude to Catastrophe: FDR’s Jews and the Menace of Nazism; No Sense of Decency: The Army McCarthy Hearings; Backlash: The Killing of the New Deal; and The Battle of Blair Mountain: The Story of America’s Largest Labor Uprising. Mr. Shogan has been adjunct professor of government at the Center for the Study of American Government of the Johns Hopkins University; professional in residence at the Annenberg School of Communication of the University of Pennsylvania; a Robert R. McCormick fellow at the Hoover Presidential Library; and a fellow at the Freedom Forum's Media Studies Center in York City. Among many prizes, he has received the American Political Science Association award for Distinguished Reporting of Public Affairs.