The Battle of Britain

History’s version of the Battle of Britain, a key moment ...


Joseph Johnston

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Emblems of Woe

United States History

Lee’s surrender at Appomattox signaled an end to the Civil War and brought joy and relief to the North and its soldiers, and to the slaves in Confederate states. But the sudden shock of Lincoln’s assassination just five days later, on Good Friday, sullied the victory. As gloom and anger descended across the North, how was Lincoln’s death viewed in the war-ravaged South? Southerners might have been expected to cheer the death of their archenemy, but their reaction was more complex and far from predictable, as David Hardin shows.

Tags:  Abraham Lincoln - Assassination - Civil War - Confederacy - William T. Sherman - Joseph Johnston - Andrew Johnson - Jefferson Davis - South After Appomattox - Reconstruction - Slavery
