Peanuts, Popcorn & American Presidents

Ray Robinson surveys the presidential attitude toward baseball since the ...


National Security Administration

Browse the NOW and THEN National Security Administration titles listed below.

Expanded Powers

United States History American History U.S. History U.S. Government

Athan Theoharis considers the record of the past to assess today’s broadened powers for the FBI and the NSA after 9/11.  He concludes that Americans may feel marginally safer, but at a dangerous cost to their freedoms and to the tenor of our political dialogue.

Tags:  National Security Administration - Wiretapping - Federal Bureau of Investigation - Civil Liberties - Bush Administration - Post 9/11

Rethinking National Security

United States History Political Science Military History American History U.S. History U.S. Government Essays

 The distinguished historian John Prados calls for a total rethinking of our expansive concept of national security. If we fail to make hard decisions about existential threats, he concludes, we will find ourselves in a death spiral as a nation.

Tags:  National Security Administration - Wiretapping - Civil Liberties - Bush Administration - Post 9/11 - National security - Foreign policy - war on terrorism - diplomacy

The Apprenticeship of Alger Hiss

United States History Political Science American History U.S. History U.S. Government

Alger Hiss’s turn toward the political left, leading to his association with Whittaker Chambers, is portrayed in Bruce Craig’s incisive account of Hiss’s early years, drawing upon previously untapped sources.

Tags:  National Security Administration
