Dawning of the Counter-culture: The 1960s

A lively survey of the eccentric politics and culture of ...


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Mr. Dooley Now and Forever

Thoughts on Life and Politics from the Famous Turn-of-the-20th-Century Chicago Saloonkeeper

by Finley Peter Dunne

Mister Dooley, a turn-of-the-20th-century Irish saloonkeeper from Chicago’s Archer Avenue (“Ar-rchey Road,” he called it) on the city’s southwest side, was the creation of Finley Peter Dunne, a Chicago newspaperman. Mr. Dooley analyzed world affairs for the equally fictitious Mr. Hennessey, and his opinions went out to the real press and the reading public. They are current—and funny. The problems confronting America a hundred years ago are among those that remain unsolved today. For all his pungent liberal criticism, Mr. Dooley was not dissatisfied with American life, nor uneasy about it. He was loyal to his kind but thought well of others. Just as he was tolerant, he can be tolerated by a wide variety of citizens who recognize his biting truths about their world and have much to gain from his witty appraisals. No observer today writes quite in the manner of Mr. Dooley. We could use his likes again.

Mr. Dooley Now and Forever details:

ISBN: 9781937853228

Words: 25,400

Pages: 56

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Tags:  20th century - saloon - politics - chicago - labor troubles - business honesty - women suffrage - Divorce