Bonnie Parker Writes a Poem

Steven Biel plots the strange path by which this pair ...


Women Suffrage

Browse the NOW and THEN Women Suffrage titles listed below.

Mr. Dooley Now and Forever

United States History Political Science American History U.S. History U.S. Government

Mr. Dooley, a turn-of-the-20th-century Irish saloonkeeper from Chicago’s Archer Avenue (“Ar-rchey Road,” he called it) on the city’s southwest side, was the creation of Finley Peter Dunne, a Chicago newspaperman. Mr. Dooley analyzed world affairs for the equally fictitious Mr. Hennessey, and his opinions went out to the real press and the reading public. They are current—and funny. The problems confronting America a hundred years ago are among those that remain unsolved today.

Tags:  20th century - saloon - politics - chicago - labor troubles - business honesty - women suffrage - Divorce
