Dawning of the Counter-culture: The 1960s

A lively survey of the eccentric politics and culture of ...


American History Titles

Browse our American History titles listed below.

The Genius and the Jerk

Steve Jobs Comes of Age

by Walter Vatter

American History, Business

Was Steve Jobs a genius with a nasty personality, or simply an expert huckster? Walter Vatter explores Jobs’s early years—his family life, education, personal relationships, technological smarts, and important decisions—and in the process questions the nature of success in America.


Lincoln Frees the Slaves

by Lord Charwood

American History

In September 1862, some fourteen months into the Civil War and having pondered deeply the freeing of the slaves, Lincoln issued his first Emancipation Proclamation. Lord Charnwood recounts the development and importance of this signal event in American history.

My Father's Girl

Recollections of My Childhood

by Jane Addams

American History

When Jane Addams founded Hull-House in an immigrant neighborhood of Chicago, it became a refuge for the poor as well as a symbol of progressive reform in an acquisitive age. Here Addams remembers her father, whom she considered a shaper of her character.
