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Peanuts, Popcorn & American Presidents

by Ray Robinson

Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball,” wrote Jacques Barzun, the late French-born historian of American culture. Barzun might have added that any U.S. politician with his eye on the White House had better know the difference between a ball and a strike. Since baseball became the National Pastime it has enjoyed a favored relationship with the seats of power—in Congress and even in the Supreme Court, but certainly with the chief executive. The venerable sportswriter Ray Robinson here surveys the presidential attitude toward the “best game” since the early twentieth century, separating the enthusiasts from the pretenders.

Features and Reviews:

Ray's Interview with Rob Williams of 940 WCIT in OHIO

"If you're a baseball fan, you don't want to miss Ray's chat with Ron Williams on 940 WCIT as he shares his stories from the past, including tales of his old friend Jackie Robinson!"

'Our Game' by John Thorn, MLB's Official Historian

"My old friend–and by old I refer both to the duration of our friendship as well to his nonagenarian status–Ray Robinson has written a new book(let). It has been published more or less to coincide with Opening Day, that national celebration of hope. My hope is that one day, when I grow up, I can be like him.

As an impressionable lad I read Ray’s stories at SPORT Magazine and his annual paperback volumes, published under the rubric Baseball Stars. Ray’s role in my eventual career path is uncertain, but it couldn’ta hoit. I read his later, more substantial biographies of Lou Gehrig and Christy Mathewson when I was already hardboiled as a sportswriter and was equally impressed."

'Taking a Look at a Little Book' -by "D the Ranter"

Peanuts, Popcorn & American Presidents details:

ISBN: 978-1-937853-46-4

Words: 5,023

Pages: 11

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